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Portugal enter EHF EURO Qualification with a clear aim: Croatia 2018
PREVIEW: Having been drawn in a group a with EHF EURO 2016 winners Germany and Olympic participants Slovenia makes Portugals EHF EURO 2018 Qualification campaign far from easy, but coach Pereira believes in his team's abilities
After only two goals separated Portugal from a spot at the World Championship 2017 in France, Portugals mens national team hopes that its fate changes and leads them to the EHF EURO 2018 in Croatia.
During the summer Paulo Jorge Pereira replaced Rolando Freitas as national coach and with an increased sense of responsibility he hopes to get Portugal to major international competitions again.
Germany on 2 November and Slovenia on 6 November are Portugals first opponents in EHF EURO 2018 Qualification Group 5, with Switzerland being the fourth team. The top two teams of each group and the best third ranked team overall qualify for the final tournament.
We know there is a rocky road in front of us given the strength of the teams we have to play against, but we will not hide and we want to be among the top two of the group, says Pereira.
The Portuguese coach says he believes that Germany and Slovenia are already preparing for the EURO 2018, but would nevertheless have to play well to beat his team.
We have to improve everything when it comes to avoiding goals. This relates to how we play in defence but also when it comes to regrouping after turnovers. In the attack, our athletes are very intuitive already not only when it comes to their game but also in finding spaces and scoring opportunities.
Pereira sees the difficulties of playing away against defending champions Germany but prefers to think about the game in a perspective that may look favourable for his team.
I have in mind the way Vietnam did not lose the war against the USA. We will try to use the weapons that are within our reach, says the coach.
For the home game in Lisbon against Slovenia Pereira counts on the support of fans from far and wide to help his team make one step towards the goal they deserve in his eyes: a place at the EHF EURO 2018.
On the right track
From Pereiras point of view Portuguese handball has made important progress in recent years.
More players are playing abroad and the Portuguese teams in European competitions have made a name for themselves.
In the 2016/17 season, ABC/UMinho participates in the VELUX EHF Champions League, FC Porto and S.L. Benfica play in the EHF Cup and Sporting CP competes in the Challenge Cup.
Portuguese handball and the clubs are on the right track and the national team will benefit from this in the near future, says Pereira.
written by Filipa Sousa / ts
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A lista de Paulo Jorge Pereira é alargada a 20 atletas, que iniciam esta sexta-feira um estágio de preparação em Rio Maior. Portugal está integrado no grupo cinco de qualificação, que inclui anda a Suíça, sendo que os dois primeiros classificados e o terceiro melhor dos sete grupos garantem o apuramento para a prova, a ter lugar na Croácia.
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solha e hugo santos são os melhores PE portugueses...posso compreender a nao convocação do solha por causa da renovação, mas e o hugo santos??
cavalcanti? miguel baptista? wtf? pk nao pôr o joao pinto e/ou o andre gomes a LD?..
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Melhor do que ele só mesmo o Quintana e são os 2 nossos, se calhar é mesmo esse o problema convocar 2 guarda redes da mesma equipa mas enfim..
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