Amid a surge in Covid-19 cases, Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas events and “strongly” discouraged people from hosting private gatherings for four weeks. Gibraltar’s entire eligible population is vaccinated.
More than 118% of Gibraltar’s population are fully vaccinated against Covid-19,
with this figure stretching beyond 100% due to doses given to Spaniards who cross the border to work or visit the territory every day. Gibraltar’s entire adult population has been fully vaccinated since March, and
masks are still required in shops and on public transport.
Gibraltar is currently doling out booster doses to the over-40s."
118%/100% fully vaccinated
40% received boosters
death rate per population is the
8th highest in the world.
Explore data on COVID-19 vaccinations across the world.
Gibraltar: What has been the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)?
COVID-19 cases are soaring in Vermont even though nearly 72 percent of its residents are fully vaccinated — more than any other state.
Vermont has seen COVID-19 cases surge to their highest levels in the pandemic. Here's what health officials think is happening.
Vermont’s early success in limiting transmission and increasing vaccination could be leading to a rise in case counts.
Research reveals fully vaccinated people are just as likely to pass virus on to others in their household
People who have received COVID-19 vaccinations are able to spread the delta variant within their household despite their vaccination status just as easily as unvaccinated individuals…
People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as those who haven’t had shots, according to new research.
Novo relatório indica que infetados com a variante Delta carregam uma quantidade do vírus dez vezes superior à dos infetados com a variante Alfa.
A carga viral da covid-19 é semelhante entre vacinados e não vacinados, apesar de quem se imunizou estar contagioso durante menos tempo.
Perante os dados, os investigadores reforçam a importância da manutenção de medidas de prevenção contra a propagação do vírus.
Então estamos a caminho da 4º vacina, +- em um ano, fora a vacina contra a gripe... Granada tudo vacinado e estão a levar no lombo e já vão na "booster". Mas afinal quem que tipo de protecção contra a transmissão do covid-19 tem este tipo de vacinas?
E andam Governos em todo o mundo a obrigar passaportes de vacina, com medidas draconianas, "lockdowns" dignas de um Apartheid médico, ao estilo de Nuremberga, e simplesmente fingindo que alguém que está vacinado, que é o meu caso, impede a propagação do mesmo?