Hawkeyes, sobre a areia não há estudos que falem disso.
O que encontrei foi isto:
Can the virus spread through contaminated beach sand, structures and facilities?
The potential transmission route from touching contaminated surfaces is the basis for the CDC recommendation about not touching your nose, eyes or mouth with unwashed hands. This is because various studies are finding that these infectious droplets can land and settle on nearby surfaces and remain infectious for a period of time (up to three days or more on hard, non-porous surfaces like plastic and steel). If someone touches that contaminated surface and then touches their eye, nose or mouth, they may be able to contract the disease. Therefore, at the beach, if an infected individual coughs, sneezes or even breathes on handrails, bathroom stalls, toilets, or other structures and facilities, those surfaces can become contaminated and potential transmission sources for other beachgoers. At this point, there is no literature available about contaminated sand being a potential transmission route.
Já agora, [mention]katatonia10 [/mention] , no mesmo site e sobre os banhos:
Can I get sick with COVID-19 from swimming in contaminated beach water?
Researchers from a recent Water Research Foundation webinar stated that the virus has been shown to remain viable and infectious, at least temporarily, in natural freshwater environments including lakes and streams. While dilution is suspected to keep the risk low, researchers note that high concentrations of the viable COVID-19 virus could put freshwater recreation users at risk. There is still no information on the ability of the COVID-19 virus to remain viable in saltwater, so its unclear if swimming at saltwater beaches elevates the risk of getting sick. Learn more about COVID-19 and beach water quality here.
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