É errado usar luvas.
O seu uso leva leva a menor desinfecção das mãos e a maior propagação do vírus. Imagina estes dois cenários quando fores a um restaurante:
Cenário A: o empregado serve água a todas as mesas de luvas.
Cenário B: o empregado não usa luvas entre servir as várias mesas e desinfecta as mãos entre elas.
Aqui ficas bem a perceber a disseminação de vírus no cenário A e as oportunidades perdidas de desinfeccao. E no cenário B as boas praticas.
No cenário A o empregado só se protegeu a si. No cenário B protegeu-se e aos outros tb.
Basta ver o mau exemplo deste vídeo. O absurdo de entregar uma máscara de luvas:
Não há racional para o uso de luvas pela sociedade. É até prejudicial para os outros.
A medida mais importante é a desinfecção/lavagem das mãos. É inegável.
Can gloves protect against coronavirus for the general public?
When not providing direct care for a COVID-19 patient, the WHO cautions that washing your hands offers more protection against catching the coronavirus than wearing rubber gloves. It explains that COVID-19 can still be picked up on gloves and that this can be transferred to one's face.
Patricia Dandache, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Cleveland Clinic, suggests going to the grocery store without gloves, and wearing a face mask among other steps.
However, whether you can or cannot differs by territory. Measures introduced in Dubai, for example, require the general public to wear gloves and masks at all times when leaving the home.
Fonte: https://insights.omnia-health.com/coronavirus-updates/what-you-need-know-today-about-gloves-and-covid-19p
Question:I see a lots of people wearing masks but were told thats not needed if youre not ill. However, some people are also wearing gloves. Is that actually helpful in preventing the spread of COVID-19?
Answer(courtesy of Dr. Adam Kassam, Chair, Section of PM&R (Physiatry), Ontario Medical Association):
Medical gloves, while helpful for health care personnel, shouldnt be worn by the general public. Not only does this potentially generate a false sense of security for those wearing them, gloves might not actually help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Thats because individuals wearing gloves might touch other objects as well as parts of their face including their eyes, nose and mouth which would have the same consequences for viral spread as if they had not worn gloves. Importantly, those wearing gloves also have to change them frequently in order to maintain proper precautions, which significantly diminishes the needed supply for health care workers on the front lines, who are on the brink of shortages.
Gloves are also not that durable; they often rip, which reduces their effectiveness. They are not meant for daily activities and therefore should not be worn outside a health care setting. Finally, wearing gloves may provide another surface for the virus to live on potentially encouraging transmission if not disposed of correctly.
The best thing we can do is continue to focus on diligent hand hygiene: frequently washing with soap and water for 20 seconds; avoid touching our face; coughing/sneezing into our elbows; and avoiding handshakes.