Actualidade Internacional


Tribuna Presidencial
8 Agosto 2016
10 funcionários Americanos mortos e vários afegãos feridos/mortos ?? ...

Bem que não deveriam arredar pé e ainda enviava para lá mais para limpar de vez os barbudos do crlh!!!

Enviado do meu SM-A105FN através do Tapatalk


Bancada central
4 Junho 2016
  • Deco
  • Campeão Nacional 19/20
  • Taça de Portugal 19/20
  • Alfredo Quintana
10 funcionários Americanos mortos e vários afegãos feridos/mortos ?? ...

Bem que não deveriam arredar pé e ainda enviava para lá mais para limpar de vez os barbudos do crlh!!!

Enviado do meu SM-A105FN através do Tapatalk

Por agora, são 11 Marines e um enfermeiro (Corpsman) da Marinha....


Tribuna Presidencial
6 Janeiro 2013
Estava a estranhar e já foi muito bom, terem conseguido evacuar tanta dezena de milhar de pessoas na ultima semana e meia. sem que isto acontecesse.

Com aqueles ajuntamentos perto do aeroporto de Cabul, só faltavam cartazes a dizer "ISIS estamos aqui"


12 Maio 2016
"While the Biden administration executed the US withdrawal, it was the Trump administration that brokered a deal with the Taliban to pull out US troops. The agreement, signed in February 2020, stipulated that US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan within 14 months. The deal was much criticized for acceding to the Taliban demand of not including the Afghan government. At the time, the Taliban already controlled nearly half the country.

Biden largely upheld the Trump-era deal, though he didn't follow that exact timeline

After the negotiations, Trump began slimming down the US's presence. By mid-January, there were only about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. To put this into perspective, there were more US troops deployed to Washington, DC, as a result of the January 6 insurrection than the number deployed in Afghanistan."


Bancada lateral
24 Agosto 2015
"While the Biden administration executed the US withdrawal, it was the Trump administration that brokered a deal with the Taliban to pull out US troops. The agreement, signed in February 2020, stipulated that US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan within 14 months. The deal was much criticized for acceding to the Taliban demand of not including the Afghan government. At the time, the Taliban already controlled nearly half the country.

Biden largely upheld the Trump-era deal, though he didn't follow that exact timeline

After the negotiations, Trump began slimming down the US's presence. By mid-January, there were only about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. To put this into perspective, there were more US troops deployed to Washington, DC, as a result of the January 6 insurrection than the number deployed in Afghanistan."
O que é que isso quer dizer?

O borra-botas que está lá podia fazer o que bem entendesse. Que p@ta de desculpa. Típico.


Tribuna Presidencial
16 Julho 2013
"While the Biden administration executed the US withdrawal, it was the Trump administration that brokered a deal with the Taliban to pull out US troops. The agreement, signed in February 2020, stipulated that US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan within 14 months. The deal was much criticized for acceding to the Taliban demand of not including the Afghan government. At the time, the Taliban already controlled nearly half the country.

Biden largely upheld the Trump-era deal, though he didn't follow that exact timeline

After the negotiations, Trump began slimming down the US's presence. By mid-January, there were only about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. To put this into perspective, there were more US troops deployed to Washington, DC, as a result of the January 6 insurrection than the number deployed in Afghanistan."
Podias traduzir para português?


12 Maio 2016
O que é que isso quer dizer?

O borra-botas que está lá podia fazer o que bem entendesse. Que p@ta de desculpa. Típico.
é só para não ficar esquecido, convenientemente...

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

o outro borra-notas planeou esta retirada e até seria para Maio...

por isso também é preciso de ter um bocadito de lata para culpar só 1 deles...
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Reações: Malhanga