As nossas séries e filmes preferidos


Tribuna Presidencial
21 Junho 2019
  • André Villas-Boas
Jim Carrey: um senhor.

JIM CARREY: I was sickened. I was sickened by the standing ovation. I felt like Hollywood is just spineless en masse, and it just -- it really felt like, oh, this is a really clear indication that we're not the cool club anymore.


[Chris Rock] doesn't want the hassle [of pressing charges]. I would have announced this morning I was suing will for $200 million because that video is going to be there forever. It's going to be ubiquitous. You know, that insult is going to last a very long time. If you want to yell from the audience or disapprove or show a disapproval or say something on Twitter, you know, you do not have the right to walk up on stage and smack somebody in the face because they said words.


It didn't escalate. It came out of nowhere because Will has something going on inside him that's frustrated, and I wish him the best, I really do. I don't -- I don't -- you know, I don't have anything against Will Smith. He's done great things, but that was not a good moment.

It cast a pall over everybody's shining moment last night.

A lot of people worked really hard to get to that place, and to have their moment in the sun and to get their award for the really hard work they did, and it is no mean feat you have to go through to be nominated for an Oscar. It's a gauntlet of devotion you have to do, and, you know, it was just a selfish moment that cast a pall over the whole thing.


Tribuna Presidencial
3 Junho 2014
como assim?
Veio ao Porto?


Tribuna Presidencial
25 Maio 2014
  • Novembro/21
  • João Pinto
  • Jorge Costa
  • Paulinho Santos
Já vi o 1º ep do Moon Knight . Foi bastante interessante. Desconhecia, por completo, a personagem.
eu também... desconhecia completamente. Mas Oscar Isaac está brutal no papel... que grande actor... estou na espectativa para ver para onde a série vai. Mas a confiança com que a Disney libertou 5 episódios de uma assentada para os críticos analisarem deixa-me a crer que vai ser das melhores séries que a plataforma produziu até hoje com a marca da Marvel.

Severance continua incrível... que coisa tão marada e intrigante

comecei ontem a ver Archive81... e adorei o primeiro episódio... é uma pena a série ter sido já anunciada como descontinuada (o que estranho... pelo que li tinha tido bastante sucesso, não percebo a decisão da Netflix)


Tribuna Presidencial
2 Setembro 2013
  • Hulk
  • Alfredo Quintana
eu também... desconhecia completamente. Mas Oscar Isaac está brutal no papel... que grande actor... estou na espectativa para ver para onde a série vai. Mas a confiança com que a Disney libertou 5 episódios de uma assentada para os críticos analisarem deixa-me a crer que vai ser das melhores séries que a plataforma produziu até hoje com a marca da Marvel.

Severance continua incrível... que coisa tão marada e intrigante

comecei ontem a ver Archive81... e adorei o primeiro episódio... é uma pena a série ter sido já anunciada como descontinuada (o que estranho... pelo que li tinha tido bastante sucesso, não percebo a decisão da Netflix)
E cada vez melhor.. com um excelente elenco .
  • Like
Reações: Pavão


Tribuna Presidencial
2 Setembro 2013
  • Hulk
  • Alfredo Quintana
Pensei que tivesse sido só em Lisboa.. é uma pena que não tenha visto que tinha estado cá.. gostava de ter ido ver.. por curiosidade.. quanto eram os bilhetes?


Tribuna Presidencial
2 Setembro 2013
  • Hulk
  • Alfredo Quintana
Estou a guardá-la para ver duma assentada.
eu não consigo fazer isso.. quando gosto fico religiosamente à espera que saia o novo. e.p..
E nesta série, e pese embora o início tenha sido um bocadito soft está muito forte neste momento..


Tribuna Presidencial
2 Setembro 2013
  • Hulk
  • Alfredo Quintana
Jim Carrey: um senhor.

JIM CARREY: I was sickened. I was sickened by the standing ovation. I felt like Hollywood is just spineless en masse, and it just -- it really felt like, oh, this is a really clear indication that we're not the cool club anymore.


[Chris Rock] doesn't want the hassle [of pressing charges]. I would have announced this morning I was suing will for $200 million because that video is going to be there forever. It's going to be ubiquitous. You know, that insult is going to last a very long time. If you want to yell from the audience or disapprove or show a disapproval or say something on Twitter, you know, you do not have the right to walk up on stage and smack somebody in the face because they said words.


It didn't escalate. It came out of nowhere because Will has something going on inside him that's frustrated, and I wish him the best, I really do. I don't -- I don't -- you know, I don't have anything against Will Smith. He's done great things, but that was not a good moment.

It cast a pall over everybody's shining moment last night.

A lot of people worked really hard to get to that place, and to have their moment in the sun and to get their award for the really hard work they did, and it is no mean feat you have to go through to be nominated for an Oscar. It's a gauntlet of devotion you have to do, and, you know, it was just a selfish moment that cast a pall over the whole thing.
Ele foca aí um ponto interessante.. Processá-lo por danos morais e humilhação em público..
Facilmente lhe limpava uns milhões..