Estes são os 5 estadios do declínio. Parece-me que estamos a progredir perigosamente para o estadio 4.
Citando o autor do modelo sobre o estadio 4, "The critical question is, How does its leadership respond? By lurching for a quick salvation or by getting back to the disciplines that brought about greatness in the first place? Those who grasp for salvation have fallen into Stage 4. Common “saviors” include a charismatic visionary leader, a bold but untested strategy, a radical transformation, a dramatic cultural revolution, a hoped-for blockbuster product, a “game changing” acquisition, or any number of other silver-bullet solutions. [...] The longer a company remains in Stage 4, repeatedly grasping for silver bullets, the more likely it will spiral downward."
Acho que já andamos há algum tempo a exagerar das silver bullets.