Caros Portistas,
já todos percebemos que, em Portugal, o sistema disciplinar desportivo e o sistema judicial estão capturados pelas forças do costume e, portanto, não há que esperar que, internamente, o SLB venha a ser punido.
Podemos, e devemos, contudo, envidar todos os esforços para que se consiga aproveitar a boleia do caso Barcelona em que, por muito menos razões do que as que são do conhecimento geral acerca do SLB, a UEFA abriu um inquérito disciplinar.
A minha sugestão é invadir a caixa de correio do Presidente da UEFA, cujo email é o seguinte:
Sugiro algo do género, desejavelmente, em inglês - mas, naturalmente, qualquer língua sirva:
"Dear UEFA Presidente,
I am aware that UEFA, which you chair, has opened an investigation into alleged improper payments made by FC Barcelona to José María Enríquez Negreira, a former leading refereeing official in Spain. UEFA Ethics and Disciplinary Inspectors have today been appointed to conduct an investigation regarding a potential violation of UEFA’s legal framework by FC Barcelona in connection with the so-called Negreira case.
As far as it is generally known, from the constant news in the national and international press, in Portugal a football club, Sport Lisboa e Benfica, has taken, in recent years, several actions that fit in the same mold, or even much more harmful to the legality and sports ethics, than the Negreira case.
In this sense,
I would like to express my surprise, and even strangeness, that UEFA has not yet opened an investigation into Sport Lisboa e Benfica, in order to banish from football all objectionable conduct that undermines the credibility of football and contributes to draw spectators away from what is the biggest sport in the world.
Best regards, "
Passem, por favor a mensagem.
Vamos fazê-los cair!!!