

Tribuna Presidencial
19 Abril 2018
  • Campeão Nacional 19/20
  • Taça de Portugal 19/20
  • Pinto da Costa
  • Hulk
Muito menos do que isso, acho. Depende da doença mas a média anda pelos 30, 40, 50% sendo que a do sarampo (ou varicela, não sei ao certo) é que chega a esses valores de eficácia de 90%.

A ser verdade será grande breakthrough científico tanto em termos de tempo a ser feita como em termos de eficácia.
Precisas de pelo menos 50% para aprovação, não?
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Reações: AdrianSmith


9 Junho 2019
Bem, pelo que estão a dizer estamos a falar duma grande eficácia então.
Boas notícias.

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Tribuna Presidencial
21 Junho 2019
  • André Villas-Boas
Precisas de pelo menos 50% para aprovação, não?
Esta cientista indiana explica bem isso:

Diz ela:

"There is practically no vaccine that is 100 percent efficacious. Some of the best vaccines we have, like measles, are 90 percent plus. The malaria vaccine that has only about 30 percent efficacy. So while we would all like a perfect vaccine, sometimes we have to work with vaccines that are less than perfect. And the 50 percent efficacy is actually not too bad for a respiratory virus. Most of the influenza vaccines that we use vary from year to year from not working at all to having 60- 65 percent efficacy against certain strains. "

E respondendo à tua questão:

" What WHO has set as a benchmark and the FDA has done exactly the same as well, is to say that we need a 50 percent point estimate of efficacy. Which means that in the trial, it must be 50 percent. But around that 50 percent, which is the result from the trial setting, is an understanding that when we use the vaccine in other populations, larger groups, we may not find exactly the same result. So 50 percent is the middle of a range. And that range for both FDA and WHO is a minimum level of 30 percent protection. So though we will get an estimate of 50 percent in the trial, actually, the true efficacy of the vaccine may be anywhere from 30 percent to 70 percent. "

E só mais isto antes de se atirarem foguetes e voltarmos todos à vida normal:

So in that case, to go back to the original question, if it’s true impact is about 30 percent, we will still be needing to practice social distancing and masks and all of those things we are doing now?

Dr Gagandeep Kang
Absolutely, because until we have something that can act as a readout to know whether a person is protected or not. This is called a correlate of protection. It may be an antibody level. We won’t know for sure among all the people who have received vaccine, which ones are protected and which ones are not. So life is not going to go back to normal the minute we have a vaccine. We will continue to need to be careful the same way that we are doing now.
Última edição:


Tribuna Presidencial
14 Setembro 2017
A vacina da AstraZeneca tambem aponta em termos preliminares para percentagens a rondar os 90%

Obviamente que depende do sistema imunitario de cada individuo.
Vamos ver na efectividade se as vacinas resolvem ou se tornam ineficazes com a continua mutação


9 Junho 2019
Esta cientista indiana explica bem isso:

Diz ela:

"There is practically no vaccine that is 100 percent efficacious. Some of the best vaccines we have, like measles, are 90 percent plus. The malaria vaccine that has only about 30 percent efficacy. So while we would all like a perfect vaccine, sometimes we have to work with vaccines that are less than perfect. And the 50 percent efficacy is actually not too bad for a respiratory virus. Most of the influenza vaccines that we use vary from year to year from not working at all to having 60- 65 percent efficacy against certain strains. "

E respondendo à tua questão:

" What WHO has set as a benchmark and the FDA has done exactly the same as well, is to say that we need a 50 percent point estimate of efficacy. Which means that in the trial, it must be 50 percent. But around that 50 percent, which is the result from the trial setting, is an understanding that when we use the vaccine in other populations, larger groups, we may not find exactly the same result. So 50 percent is the middle of a range. And that range for both FDA and WHO is a minimum level of 30 percent protection. So though we will get an estimate of 50 percent in the trial, actually, the true efficacy of the vaccine may be anywhere from 30 percent to 70 percent. "

E só mais isto antes de se atirarem foguetes e voltarmos todos à vida normal:

So in that case, to go back to the original question, if it’s true impact is about 30 percent, we will still be needing to practice social distancing and masks and all of those things we are doing now?

Dr Gagandeep Kang
Absolutely, because until we have something that can act as a readout to know whether a person is protected or not. This is called a correlate of protection. It may be an antibody level. We won’t know for sure among all the people who have received vaccine, which ones are protected and which ones are not. So life is not going to go back to normal the minute we have a vaccine. We will continue to need to be careful the same way that we are doing now.

Acho que já quase todos estamos cientes que não vamos voltar ao normal mal haja vacina.

Mas acredito que aos poucos se podem relaxar as medidas. Quando a % vacinada de um país for relativamente alta muitas medidas poderão ser relaxadas, acredito.

Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
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Reações: Dexter2020


Tribuna Presidencial
14 Setembro 2017
Penso que é a percentagem de pessoas vacinadas que desenvolve imunidade.
Ou seja não são infectadas...

È que mais importante que não serem infectadas é que as pessoas que sejam infectadas tenham uma forma benigna da doença ou seja sem mazelas.

Evitando o covid persistente.

Porque se a vacina conferir as pessoas não uma imunidade completa mas uma imunidade que permita terem uma infecção sem mazelas seria uma otima noticia
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Reações: bertobrb


Tribuna Presidencial
21 Junho 2019
  • André Villas-Boas
Mas até esta vacina (ou outra) chegar aos nossos corpos ainda vai demorar uns meses valentes.